Sand In My Bra 0 comments on 7 days a week

7 days a week

It’s Saturday afternoon and luckily I enjoy enough of what I do to be able to work through the weekend. From the past few times I’ve moved, my experiences have taught me that it takes me a little while to transition into a new place. Not only to get my bearings with the unfamiliar environment […]

Travelers' Tales 0 comments on Listen to stories from A Woman’s Path being read on the radio!

Listen to stories from A Woman’s Path being read on the radio!

Good news came in yesterday for A Woman’s Path… A Fairbanks, Alaska-based Shakespeare company called McRobenolt Clan Presents will read selected stories from the popular Travelers’ Tales title A Woman’s Path: Women’s Best Spiritual Travel Writing as part of a local ongoing reading series. The series airs on KUAC 89.9FM, Fairbanks, AK, Wednesdays at 7:30pm […]

Something Different 1 comment on lists their top ten travel websites…you’ll recognize a few of my faves lists their top ten travel websites…you’ll recognize a few of my faves

Ok, so have you heard of I haven’t until now. But I’m intrigued. Could they possibly be the female equivalent to what BootsnAll was three years ago? In their About Us section, there are two email addresses leading to Heidi and Christine…but mysteriously no other contact info. Where are they? How long have they […]

Events 0 comments on June Author Events

June Author Events

While I was setting up the Pacific Northwest tour for the Wild Writing Women, I thought that I’d put together a list of June events that are going on at independent travel bookstores near you. Check back as I update it with more listings from around the country. BOOK PASSAGE, Marin, CA Beppe Severgnini Sun., […]
