Newsflash, I just got an email from Susan at TT and she says it's time to pop the cork on the champagne. The book came back and it looks good. I'll see it Wednesday morning when I get to San Francisco. Huge thanks to everyone who worked on it. This is a fun read, and […]
» Read more...Month: March 2003
How NOT to Get Published
How NOT to Get Published Amen. I found this link on the WorkforWriters listserve. Feel free to join them at
» Read more...Write What You Know
I know, I know — you've heard that one before. But it works. It makes writing easier and less intimidating. It did for me today. I cranked out an article to pitch to national newspapers in conjunction with getting some Sand PR, and I had that baby done in 2 hours. I'm taking it to […]
» Read more...Travel Editor Wanted
Travel Age West — Northstar Travel Media is looking for an editor with 7+ years editorial experience to join their staff in Los Angeles. This cool job and many other vacancies for writers, editors, production assistants, and all things media related can be found on Have you ever wanted to work for MSNBC, CNET, […]
» Read more...Final Check
It's 12:30pm and I haven't heard from Susan Brady, Director of Production, at Travelers' Tales. Is this a good sign or a bad one? I won't know until later. This is the day she has five copies of Sand In My Bra sent to her for the final final. Did the cover get really messed […]
» Read more...WWW April Lit Salon — Adair Lara
Don’t miss the April 2 Literary Salon sponsored by the Wild Writing Women and the Monticello Inn off Union Square. I’ll be hosting the event and the guest speaker is Adair Lara from the San Francisco Chronicle. She will be talking to us about the challenges of writing a memoir as well as fielding questions […]
» Read more...Vent
I’m exhausted. I need a laptop. I need an assistant. If a genie were to grant me one, but only one of these two things, I’m not sure which I’d pick. I could help more people with an assistant, but I could help myself more with a lap top. I’m drinking my coffee with less […]
» Read more...Paul Theroux is on tour
Paul Theroux is on tour for his latest book, Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town. Here is a review of Dark Star Safari by Maureen Gibbon from the StarTribune. Read on for the dates and locations for his full tour which begins tomorrow in Los Angeles.
» Read more...War writers
All weekend I looked for postings from the “Where is Raed?” blog. He is finally back. I was relieved to see his words and tuned in. His account of the war is gripping. The saddness of what is going on is just starting to penetrate my thinking. Big thanks to the people at Blogger who […]
» Read more...The weight of a letter
The book is about to be shipped from the printer. That means it'll be on bookstore shelves in about three weeks. While the caveat in the Travelers’ Tales guidelines say they only contact writers if they are included in the book, I promised myself I would do rejection letters anyway. I haven’t made time for […]