Market Leads 0 comments on Attaché Magazine

Attaché Magazine

I recently did a search on for consumer magazines that accept non fiction travel + essays. Attaché was one that caught my eye. It’s the inflight for US Airways. I was pleased to see their 2003 editorial calendar, but will have to email to ask them when they’ll release the goods for next year. […]

Personal 0 comments on Hang on Folks!

Hang on Folks!

Sorry for the delay in posts and for not telling you sooner that I'd be on hiatus. I was packing up my belongings in SF like a mad woman. Trip after trip to the storage unit, but I’m quite pleased that it’s almost all together. Then I went up to Portland for a big party […]

Market Leads 3 comments on Jobs


If you want to get a job in publishing, these two websites will make you drool. and I haven’t been to MB in a long time, but just went now. Here’s one that caught my eye: Assistant Editor for Travel + Life magazine in Seattle NOTE: These sights are not just for writers. […]

Sand In My Bra 2 comments on The Winning Bra!

The Winning Bra!

And the Winner Is….. The “Tropical Delight” bra! Joyce Block from Chicago who donated her bra at The Savvy Traveller on October 9 is the winner of ten free autographed copies of Sand in My Bra and Other Misadventures and ten Travelers’ Tales t-shirts. Just in time to give to ten friends (or twenty!) over […]

Personal 0 comments on Wintering in Belgium

Wintering in Belgium

Through the tour I avoided talk about my winter editing/writing/traveling stint in Belgium. I just didn’t have the mindspace to think beyond the tour. So, I’m letting you know that I’m officially open for suggestions. I was thrilled to get a roundtrip ticket from LA to London for only $322 including taxes. Other great […]
