A Writer's Life 4 comments on Done!


I'm finally done with my story. Just turned it in. I think it took 6-7 rewrites, but the last 2-3 were mostly additions and minor fixes. It was the 5th version that was the big improvement. Oh I don’t know, it’s all a blur now. But the good part is that I’m finally happy with […]

Resources for Writers 0 comments on Rolex Awards

Rolex Awards

Did you guys see these in the National Geographic Adventure newsletter? The Rolex Awards Projects $100,000 each for five winners. Does your project “expand knowledge of our world, improve the quality of life on our planet or contribute to the betterment of humankind”? You would be competing with 1500-2500 applicants from around the globe, but […]

Personal 0 comments on InsideOut Party Next Week

InsideOut Party Next Week

I’m slammed. With the tour, with freelance assignments, with big huge projects I haven’t touched since Europe, and most importantly—with being excited about taking two vacations and figuring out where I want to go for them. Anyway, even though I’m newly back in the Bay Area, I’m just not interested in much social activity right […]
