Friends over at Almost Fearless have put together an initiative to help push ourselves to get our work published. The idea is to write a query letter a day, throughout the ENTIRE month of August, and keep an open log of it. Ok, ok, we’re already 6 days into August, but it’s never too late to start!
Now, the great thing about this initiative is that they’ve created a forum for all those writers “committing” to send the query-a-day, to communicate their daily experiences on the same. You can sign into the forum and keep an online log of what you’ve sent, to which publication, and if you got a break. You can also have open conversations and rants with other writers, there are 44 of them registered so far. Of course, the only person keeping tabs on your work is you, but this may be a good way to push yourself to send out those queries we all hate writing and sending. (Well, I do anyway!)
So do check it out and challenge yourself! FAQ’s of the initiative can be found here.
Oddly enough, August is also editor rejection month.