I don’t have any statistics to back up this statement, but from personal experience and gauging from what I have seen and read over the last year, blogs have definitely become the way to search for travel info. Even big guidebook series like Frommer’s and Lonely Planet have expanded their online versions to satisfy the public’s craving for guidebook-like info without the weight of an actual book. Because of this trend, writing for an online travel blog can be a great way to get into the industry.
Today’s market lead therefore comes from The Bloggers Guide. The website is seeking to create a new type of city guides, based on information from the blogosphere, both online and in print. They are therefore looking for both bloggers and editors. Applications from any world capital city will be accepted, but they are specifically looking for these:
-New York
-Los Angeles
-San Francisco
-Cape Town
1) Write blog posts about your selected city relating to several categories like Daily Life, What’s On, Top Tips, etc. For a better idea of the style of writing the website is looking for check out this sample post, as well as this one.
2) Finding external posts from around the web to link to.
3) Writing introduction and other short articles for publication in the print guidebooks.
Payment per post on thebloggersguide.com.
Fixed fee for editing the print guidebook, along with a royalty of the guidebook sales.
How to apply:
Email editor[at]thebloggersguide.com with the following:
The name of the city you are applying for
Links to blogs and posts by you (they’re looking for writing style, not necessarily stuff written about the city you are applying for).
Links to the three best blogs about your city.
Links to the five best blog posts about your city.