Erik at Gadling mentioned the new online magazine Far Flung a few months back, and I finally found some time to poke around on the site.

First thing I came across was this article by Canadian writer Rory MacLean:

In Search of Wonders: the elusive art of the modern day travel writer. Written as Rory contemplates his 7th book, he shares his perspective on travel writing today:

Time was that travel books were all about travelling. Travel writers embarked on valiant quests full of derring-do, paddling to the source of the Limpopo in search of original knowledge. Then the world shrunk. Day-trippers trampled the wilderness, pausing to picnic in Newby’s Hindu Kush. In once-distant China the Great Leap Forward no longer describes Mao’s economic programme, but rather the surge of tourists rushing to touch the Great Wall… So how does the modern travel writer return home with anything more original than an unusual intestinal parasite?

In the article, MacLean gives his answer to that question and explores other thought-provoking aspects of the travel writing process. I believe Rory is slated to guest lecture at Rolf’s writing class in Paris this summer, so maybe we can get a report from Jen or Rolf afterwards.

As far as the rest of the magazine, here’s the mission and how it came to be. Far Flung does not pay, but guidelines on essay, photo and blog submissions can be found here. Also check out their recommended reading list.

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