Yesterday someone told me an interesting thought for those who like to wish….

Hold your hands out, palms up, like cups. Put your fulfilled wishes in one hand, and poop in the other and see which fills up first.

As for Vegas love….who likes to gamble?


  1. Wishes & Dreams: I still believe they come true. Isn’t this what WR is all about? Making your travel writing dreams become a reality.

    My left hand of fulfilled wishes is quite full. But don’t make me name them, I cupped my left foot to hold incidents of memory loss and fell over.

  2. Oh, didn’t see it. Dan my pedicure guy told me.

    Miguel, Vegas is heating up. High 90s and lots of sun today, probably the same as you have it only minus the smog. I’m up and down, can’t stay away from Pai Gow. Check out for occassional poker stuff I’m doing. Put up some good pics today. My designated driver comes next week so I’m really looking forward to letting go a bit.

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