Hey Everybody, I'm glad that you got something out of the recent post, “Last Call for Hyenas.” Larry corrected me this weekend and said I was jumping the gun. They had told me the last time I was down that I had to get my story in within a few weeks, and it's been that since. But now they're saying they'll most likely take submissions through May.

So Rabbit, you can hang tight if you want. Please read the submission guidelines before you turn your story in. I am NOT the editor on this book, but I always thought that shorter stories had a better chance at being funny. I liked ones that were 1200 – 2000 words. You are allowed to turn in something longer though. At this late stage in the game, have your friends read your story over and make sure they're laughing before you submit it. And if you think a hilarious misadventure is a long plane ride, followed by the inability to catch a cab, or find your hotel, and you're completely miserable… guess what? There's usually way too many of those stories.

Be different. Be open with your writing. Tell us the most ridiculous thing that has ever TRULY happened to you. And as I've observed, gross is good. Above all, read our other humor books so you can see what we like.

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