When I was at the BP Conference last month, I heard someone endorsing Written Road with a caveat. He said, “there’s a fair bit of poker stuff on there these days, but still a lot of great travel writing resources.”

That’s true. I’m dividing my life between the poker world, Vegas world, travel writing world, and the life I’m building with the new beau, too. Just because Written Road is my home, it doesn’t mean I need to burden everyone with all these non-travel writing extras. Also, my family and friends from San Diego want the gossip, and know where I am since I’m such a poor keep-in-toucher, but they don’t want to get lost amid all the market leads.

So, to accommodate this I’ve started JenLeoLIVE! It’ll be a portal to the more personal stuff of what I’m doing. You’ll definitely get links back to tour info on WR, you’ll hear about the poker, you’ll hear about the boyfriend, you’ll get links about my fave VivaLasVegasBlog posts and you’ll hear about where I am in the very general travel sense. Not stories or articles, but notes rather. And there will be pictures. So, if this is the kind of info you’re interested in like my high school friends, uncles, and cousins…bookmark JenLeoLIVE!

In addition, I’m talking with a designer about a new fansite. Hopefully that won’t take long to get up either.

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