Podasia.net, a website that allows you to download free travel guide podcasts, is expanding into providing video content for guides and integrating with online and print travel publications.
For this, they are looking for freelancers interested in generating content for specific theme-based travel guides. Current countries of interest are:
Basic job description: Translate, research, write, compile and adapt items and materials based on the themes of each package. In addition you’ll be responsible for conducting interviews and writing analysis and features.
Eligibility: Recent travel-writing experience. Any experience in radio and television is a plus. Knowledge of local language of the country you apply for and fluency in English.
Compensation: Negotiable based on relevant experience.
Apply to: jobs@podasia.net with full details of your work as a journalist/travel writer, where and for how long, your job titles and details of your responsibilities.
Deadline: December 31, 2007
(For more info, write to jobs@podasia.net)