Check out my post on Gadling as to why I’m thrilled about this merger! Ian Mackenzie and Tim Patterson from BNT have joined Matdor’s editorial team and I’m really looking forward to seeing more great content.

Also, mergers means expansions, which for us translates into more paid writing opportunities at Matador! They did a great job with Traveler’s Notebook, the success of which is leading to the launch of 5 more new blog networks covering a range of topics for which they will actively be looking for talented writers to crank out quality pieces on the following subjects:

Study Abroad
Features short blogs written by students who are currently or were recently studying abroad. This blog should sort of be “advice for students, from students”. Focus should be on everything from how to pick your country of study, to living with a host family, home sickness, assimilating into a new culture, learning the language, getting the most out of your classes, great weekend trips in Western Europe, new programs offered by established schools. Everything and anything about studying abroad.

Trends and opportunities in the world of volunteering abroad. Focus on ways to find cheap or free opportunities. Focus on combo projects/programs, where the volunteer learns a language or something else useful like organic farming/earth building etc. Also general focus on sustainability and solving the world’s most compelling problems with regard to conservation and development.

This will feature everything from Sonar music festival in Barcelona, to the vibrant bar scene in Barrio Alto, Lisbon, to Burning Man to the underground music scene in London.

Trip Ideas
Matador Trips features off-beat, “secret” destinations and unique experiences in close proximity to popular tourist sites, often with a burly adventure component.

Example #1: Cambodia, Angkor Wat AND a dirt-bike tour of pre-Angkorian temples in the Thai borderlands.
Example #2: Patagonia, El Bolson AND paragliding off Cerro Piltriquitron

Travel Gear
Reviews on new travel gear, clothes, music, books and dvds.

Other than this, keep a look out for writing-jobs on their Bounty Board which currently has over 30 interesting PAID travel-assignments up for grabs!

Write away!


  1. Nella costellazione dei servizi internet nel settore turistico, spicca, una realtà italiana, che si occupa da anni di proporre soggiorni mare o mantagna per le seguenti località: Cesenatico & Zadina, Gatteo Mare, Bellaria Igea Marina, Cervia & Milano Marittima, Belluno, Sondrio, Trentino e Valtellina. Il servizio è completo e competitivo, riuscendo a proporre soggiorni in località ed alberghi di fascia medio/alta a prezzi inferiori alla media del settore e con la “formula tutto compreso”, punto di forza dell’operatore, che consiste nell’offrire un pacchetto comprendente pernottamento, colazione, pranzo, cena ed accesso illimitato ai servizi delle strutture ospitanti. Gli hotes proposti rientrano nella categoria dei 3 e 4 stelle, sono quindi dotati di tutti quei comfort che fanno la differenza nel trascorrere una vacanza. Il portale è molto semplice nel suo utilizzo, e gli operatori sono disponibili nel dare informazioni sia per via telematica che telefonicamente. Ci sembra inoltre importante segnalare che la prenotazione può avvenire on-line o per mezzo del loro numero verde 810.910.325 il tutto senza richiedere contestualmente i dati della carta di credito… i diffidenti di internet possono quindi sentirsi al sicuro e prenotare i loro soggiorni in piena tranquillità e sicurezza.

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