I've had a few emails come in requesting extensions on the Panties deadline, and of course you can still turn in your stories. Please send them to submit at travelerstales.com (in the normal email format), instead of to my personal email address.

And if this is all news to you, I’m in the process of editing the sequel to the successful Sand in My Bra and Other Misadventures: Funny Women Write from the Road. It is tentatively called Whose Panties Are These? The deadline was 12/31, but please do keep them coming in for another week and a half. Previously published work is ok, just tell us where it’s from. We’re asking for true, first person, travel misadventures. Authored by women.

Read on for hints of what I like.

  • I personally prefer gutbusters where readers will laugh out loud more than once throughout your piece, but we’ll probably end up taking some grinners too if the story holds up. Aim for lots of laughs and test them out before you send it in.

  • Shorter stories seem to give you a better chance than longer ones. Especially when it comes time to put a few on the chopping block at the tail end of the process.

  • We didn’t get a hot flashes story the last time, and I’d like one for this book.

  • I like romance, but not male bashing.

  • Whining does not a misadventure make.

  • Off the wall and outrageous is encouraged. But, be careful of what you submit—I might show up in your town and ask you to read at a book event. 🙂

  • If you have a connection to a large amount of sales through a club, or you write a column with a big following, feel free to let me know in the cover letter. If I’m down to the wire and it’s a tough call between yours and another, something like that just might make me swing in your direction.

  • I got sick of rug stories the last go around.

That’s all the off the cuff advice I can think of right now. For the regular specific type of guidelines, please check out the Travelers’ Tales guidelines.

And for those of you who have extra time, feel free to send me stories you like from big named comediennes. I’m open. I have to turn in the whole thing at the beg of Feb, so I’m not too proud for your suggestions. Again, please submit through the proper channels as stated on the TT guidelines. This is important. I’ll be in Ireland this week and won’t be checking email much until Sunday. Besides, we need to have it logged through TT anyway.

Thanks, bon chance, and Happy New Year!


  1. hey jen,
    i couldn’t tell from the guidelines – will TT (and the intrepid editor of this title) consider excerpts from previously published material?

    happy new year!

  2. Hi Ayun, previously published work is fine. We’re already looking in No Touch Monkey, but if you have something else in mind, by all means send it in. 🙂

  3. oh no no no… look away. too many cooks in the kitchen and all that. I’ll go back into my cave and nurse this cold and lose myself back in Kitchen Confidential. (have you read A Cook’s Tour? Hilarious.)
    alls I’m going to say is Saigon. Talking ceiling fan. now i’m taking my spoon out of the broth and leaving it to the experts and the goddesses of fortune.

  4. Hi Ayun, Other than your book rec, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Let’s email offline when I get back to Belgium. If you want me to call you, I can do that too. Just send me the digits.

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