Here are some resources I’ve found for us. But I think we can all agree that in the world of our little electronic friends, faster and fancier options are just around the next email.

Please add your experience, advice, and additional resources in the comment section.

See you out there!

So, you’re going on a big trip. You plan to do lots of writing. What kind of computer should you take?

Others advise:

Mike added,

“If you don’t need to edit photos, video, etc. from the road I recommend just writing in notebooks, making photocopies of your work from time to time, and sending them home (I always write in notebooks anyway, even at home). But if you wish to develop multimedia or a website on the road, bring a small laptop.”

My wife and I will be traveling with our travel trailer on the road for an extended trip – 18 months touring the United States starting from our home in New Mexico. How can we be linked to the internet so that we can send and receive email, and faxes etc to anyone we need to. Our daughter has agreed to scan and send all our incoming snail mail of importance to us. We want to be able to write, and submit all required information for publications, and queries while be parked in a campground in Podunk,XP.. Looking for suggestions and resources..a WR question from a traveler named Richard

Well Richard, that’s a great question. Here are a few ideas that might work for you. It all depends on how podunk you are trying to go. Maybe a super techie can chime in and let us know about a digital-MacGyver kit for you.

More Online Resources

I’ve had easy internet access in Australia (with Global Gossip and several indies), Thailand, Amsterdam, easyInternetCafe in London and Munich, and I even found an internet cafe open 22hrs in a small town in Bulgaria. I remember having to hunt around for them in Florence, Italy, but that was in 2001.

I used a Dazzle with my digital camera card to swap my documents between computers at friends and internet cafes. There are also lots of tiny lightweight memory sticks that would be of great use if you want to leave your computer in the security box while you’re out humping the pavement.

For security and protective gear for your equipment: I just got their KeyCard Travelockā„¢ Security Kit, and one of their R.A.P.S.

Traveling for business? More and more hotels are going wireless.

  • The Wired-FreeSpotā„¢ Directory is a listing of hotels, motels and other locations that offer Free
    In-Room High Speed Internet Access via a wired ethernet cable connection
  • “Hotel chains to offer wireless Internet”By Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY (This is an old article)

  • One comment

    1. re: ‘a traveler named Richard’, this is a FAQ for those of us tech weenies who ply the highways in VW campers and RVs.

      The solutions range from simple ones (such as Pocketmail) to complete ones, such as what Travel Guru and bon vivant Larry Chase does.

      His website is

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