Viva Travel Guides (a new guidebook company focused primarily on Latin America that offers all of their content for free online) will be holding a few guidebook/travel writing crash courses over the next couple of months.

Viva’s Boot Camps are week-long courses that teach students how to hit the ground running with assignments. The course offers hands-on instruction from experienced travel writers, and writers have the opportunity to have their work critiqued by seasoned professionals.

Upon successful completion of the course, Boot Camp graduates have the opportunity to stay on assignment as field writers and be compensated. Work will be published in upcoming travel guidebooks for Chile, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Honduras.

The upcoming courses all take place on location and are scheduled as follows:

Santiago, Chile: May 26th through May 30th, 2008.
La Paz, Bolivia: June 8th through June 13th, 2008.
Nicaragua: August 18th through August 22nd, 2008.
Honduras will also be covered in the Nicaragua Boot Camp.

Cost: The cost of the course is $250, but Viva offers a per diem to writers selected to write for the upcoming guidebooks. Dedicated writers who stay on assignment and produce over 200 paid reviews will also have their course fee refunded.

To apply: Visit Viva’s Boot Camp web page.

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