Here is another tale of an Ohioan like myself setting off into the far unknown, this time to find the origins of his wardrobe. BootsnAll is sponsoring Kelsey Timmerman’s new blog, WhereamIwearing, which will follow his global quest to answer the question: Where am I wearing? He has a t-shirt from Honduras, jeans, from Cambodia, boxers from Bangladesh, shorts from the USA, and last but not least, flip flops from China. Kelsey is setting of to these locations and some of their factories to see just where his attire is created and will be blogging about it the whole time. He plans on telling the story of the people of these countries and what there is to do. He’ll also be writing on what it means to be a traveling writer. “Why it’s awesome. And why it sucks.†It’s a great idea for a blog and hopefully will inspire a few others to search out where their toaster was made or the birthplace of egg salad.