“Glimpse” — National Geographic‘s new print and online platform (urr…magazine?) is looking for people aged between 18-30 who plan to spend at least 10-weeks studying abroad from August 15-December 30, to report on their experiences.

Each correspondent will receive a $600 stipend and be assigned a professional editor to help them produce high quality, multimedia stories.

Key dates:
* Application becomes available: Early May — when you register your email with them, you will be taken to the Glimpse.org homepage and given more details of the applications process. However, the page didn’t load for me! 🙁
* Application due date: June 20, 2008.
* Winners announced: July 15, 2008.

Application process:
The application will require the following:
* Letter of Interest
* Resume with references
* Writing Sample (minimum 1,000 words)
* At least one of the following
-Link to an online photo album or photo portfolio
-Link to an online video
-Link to an online multimedia product (slide show with audio, etc.)

For more information go here, or email: correspondents[at]glimpse.org


  1. This is actually a really neat idea by National Geographic. What a great way to get new content writers! I have a cousin who would DEFINITELY be interested in something like this, does anyone know how many people they’re looking for?

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