Granta, in a word, is respectable. I think it's what the smart people read. Some people are impressed when they hear you’re reading the New Yorker. Neuvo intelli-hipsters have staken claim to McSweeney’s. And somewhere in the middle are those that follow the simple, yet deep, thoughts and stories of usually acclaimed contemporary writers.

Here are their submission guidelines.

NOTE: They do NOT publish: “Travel writing without a story. Then we went to X and a funny thing happened, then we went to Y and another funny thing happened, etc. There should be a narrative focus, a point, a reason for you to tell us the story. ”

No, we would never write something like that. This and then that? Never. Lots of reason. Lots of story. Yes.

Here are a few of their travel collections.
GRANTA 73: Necessary Journeys
GRANTA 70: Australia, The New New World
GRANTA 65: London: the lives of the city
GRANTA 64: Russia, The Wild East


  1. Just saw Lynee Truss’s “Eats, Shoots and Leaves …” mentioned in the Chicago Tribune as noteworthy, the #1 best seller in England.

    Thanks to Jen, I already know that.

  2. Hey! I read Granta. I guess that I was smarter than I thunk I were.

    For a real treat, try reading “The Best Of Granta Travel”.

  3. No Joe, you are smart, that is why you read it. Ant reads it too and he is smart as well. I am of mediocre brain power so I stick to regular stuff like National Geographics.

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