My head is swirling with numbers, calculations, shoestrings, and cheap wheeling luggage. The only thing I can do is give it to you in a list.

1) I'm taking Sand on a 7 week cross country tour. The Travelers’ Tales August newsletter debuted this news in our e-mailing this morning. Our cities will include: Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Boulder, Chicago, Nashville, and Atlanta. Some of those are tentative and dependent on securing events. If you’re anywhere between the West Coast and Atlanta, let us know if you’re keen to meet.

2) I’m going down to Los Angeles today to go pick up and tune up the new Sandmobile. An ’83 Izuzu diesel sedan belonging to one of our TT editors.

3) Susan said the sales figures keep getting better. According to Bookscan (accuracy guesstimated at about 60%), we’ve been selling through more than 200 copies a week. This week showed that we’re already at 314+ and it’s only Monday.

Gotta go get the Sandmobile. Hold tight. I will have catch up posts re last week’s event and new market leads.

One comment

  1. Are you the author of Sand in my Bra? (It takes me a while to catch on.) WOW. I purchased that book full at Powells and now I can’t find it,so I haven’t read it, but I will find it and read it or go purchase a second copy.
    Hey,when I lived in Albuquerque there was a beauticul car embellished with beautiful design of glued-on pinto and black beans. I wonder if one could do that with SAND.
    Take Care, ME TOO

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