Here’s a few job leads to keep you busy this weekend.
The San Francisco based travel publisher, Pulse Guides is looking for a writer for their Mexico City guidebook. I don’t know much about Pulse Guides, but from the description, they sound interesting:
The Pulse Guides are a series of travel guidebooks created for discerning travelers who want to experience the best, the latest, the most fun things a city has to offer. The target reader is thirty-to-forty something, hip, sophisticated, and financially comfortable, so these are not rough guides or budget guides, and pride themselves on giving a local’s viewpoint. Nightlife is as important as daytime activities, and the books convey opinions and a bit of attitude as well as accurate and specific travel information. The tone is conversational, fun, relaxed, and enthusiastic. The listings include both well-known attractions and insiders’ haunts.
For more information, click here. Submit a book proposal, including writing samples, resume, five sample paragraphs, a day itinerary, and references to:
Senior Editor
Greenline Publications
2658 Griffith Park Boulevard #107
Los Angeles, CA 90039
TripConnect, a New York based travel website, is looking for a content editor. If you’re unfamiliar with TripConnect, its a website that allows you to get “travel advice from people you know” including hotel, restaurant, and attraction recommendations. I like the concept behind TripConnect because travelers get first hand advice from reliable sources instead of guidebook writers. To apply, you must register with TripConnect and submit your resume from there. Read the full job description here.
A new gay travel website is looking for writers to submit 500-word city guides. The Craigslist details are vague, so proceed with caution. Pay is $75 for each city guide.
Just wanted to say thanks for posting job leads like this one. I haven’t seen one that fits me yet but appreciate the chance to find out about them and check them out.
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