Someone on my WorkforWriters list serve asked for help on an article about the 50 best web sites for writers.

Here were the first 9 off the top of my head. There are a ton of Blist sites, but I didn’t want to spend an hour typing in all the URLs. Do you have any helpful sites to share?

Inky Girl

Holly Lisle

The Journalists Toolbox

National Writers Union

Resources for Writers and Writing Instructors

Writers Market


  1. We are all born imaginative, curious, creative, but these qualities can
    fade with the passage of time. The Creativity Workshop’s aim is to
    people get their imaginations back.

    Whether you are a writer, a business person, a teacher, or an artist,
    the Workshop can help you discover and nurture your particular way of
    expression and break through the fears and blocks that inhibit
    creativity. Working with more than 2,000 individuals, businesses, and
    institutions since 1993, the Creativity Workshop helps people believe in
    and develop their creative process through using a unique series of
    exercises in memoir, creative writing, visual arts, sense perception,
    brainstorming, and storytelling. Our concentration is on the process of
    creativity rather than the product and emphasizes the importance of play
    and the sharing of ideas to nurture creative growth.

    The Creativity Workshop is dedicated to teaching individuals and
    groups about their creative processes and how to use them in all aspects
    of their work and lives. The Workshop’s goal for participants is refined
    creative skills, expanded perception, innovative problem solving,
    inspired brainstorming and ways of looking at life as exciting and

    Upcoming workshops:

    Island of Crete

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