I've read bits of The Tao of Poker before, but I liked what he revealed today about his writing life. (Monday, October 18, 2004)

“I’m missing out on a $100 buy in NL tournament at the Blue Parrot tonight hosted by Signor Ferrari. I can’t miss the Yankees game, man. I’m willing to sacrifice poker and a shot at a $500 pay day for a Yankees-Red Sox game. Priorities. My online poker playing and blogging time had been cut down this past week. And they’ll slow down to a moderate trickle when I go out of town for the week… heading up to Boston, Connecticut, and to Rhode Island. I recently upped my mimimum personal writing time from two hours a day to four. That’s a daily discipline I’ve tried my best to hold myself to for almost two years. I used to have a “write five pages a day” rule but I like the two hours… er, four hour workouts better. I also added two hours of reading time… novels mostly… to my daily routine. It feels good that I cut down on the internet time and TV time and reading endless articles about the upcoming election and dare I say reading my favorite poker blogs and Alexa’s blog (my favorite blog from a NYC escort). Alas, I lost 1/6 of my day in order to prepare for a major writing project I’m undertaking next month.”

I’m assuming that his poker playing affords him the time to write. Unless he has some serious freelance projects on the side. I might have to introduce myself to this guy. And don’t take that the wrong way. He’s into the Hilton sisters.

What’s the story behind that nasty picture? Nice attitude. Hey, back on track, Pauley says he’s written four novels and two screenplays. And checking out his other sites, I’m wondering if I’ve just already surfed them, or if someone introduced me to him a while back because of his Truckin’ zine.

My question is, do you count blogging time as writing time?

One comment

  1. Thanks for the blurb!

    To answer your question: I do not count blogging time as writing time… although some days I should. Shoot me an email when you get the chance.

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