Women. Women. Women. Sheesh!
Just kidding. As I write up my interview for GoNomad and answer questions about why we’re doing books by and about women travelers, the ladies keep traipsing through the inbox.
David Armstrong reviewed the new Ten Speed Press book, No Place for a Lady: Tales of Adventurous Women Travelers by Barbara Hodgson.
“Hodgson, a Canadian novelist, turns in an erudite and well-researched survey of 18th and 19th century women travel writers and thankfully manages to avoid employing the heavy hand of the academy in the process. Her text is smartly paced, gossipy (without being petty), informed and useful She conveys a clear sense of the class and gender contexts that shaped the work of such pioneering women travelers as the unquenchable Isabella Bird. The book also benefits from vintage photos, drawings and, as it should, maps.”
I don’t know if I’ll get around to reading it, but I am curious as to how it compares to Maiden Voyages edited by Mary Morris. Her event was the first author event I ever went to. And yep, you guess it, it was at
Book Passage.
In other news, Outside Online has an article called Adventure Goddesses available on the website. Damn, they are a bunch of hotties. I didn’t even care that it was mostly pics as opposed to thoughtful indepth articles about their lives in sport. Hey, I’m as boycrazy as a sixteen year old cheerleader, but Ingrid Backstrom, Niki Gudex, and Pam Boteler made me drool. Hey Outside, when’s the calendar coming out?
I also like their Hall of Femme. Other articles include “Outdoor Pioneers,” “The XX All Stars,” among others.
Do you want to know more about women’s travel books? Well, besides the excellent collection at Travelers’ Tales and Seal Press…here’s a list of books at Globe Corner. I also dug up the old women’s bibliography that Travelers’ Tales put out nearly a handful of years back. The books are still good, they are just missing some of our newer titles that are listed in the previous TT link.