I was reading my friend Pauly’s blog today. He wrote a tribute to Charles Bukowski, and in the same breath discussed his own writing, inspirations, and dedicated the post to an ailing friend. But there were several messages in there to writers the world over, even if you’re not a poker player. My favorite line, and one that could be a life motto—

The more you live, the more you have to say.

Some writers chain themselves to their desks. They hole themselves up like to write is to live in a cave. Sure, to be a dedicated writer you must not stop. Writing must be regular, yes, but you have to LIVE. To write what you know, you have to have experiences. No one can tell you how to live, or what to do, only to do it. Pauly touches upon writing what you know and writing every day. And if you have heard of, or ejoyed Bukowski at any point, you’ll enjoy this post. The title should really be, “Bukowski and poker and writing.”

So get out there, see what is in store for you. And then, let the pen or keyboard flow. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, shaping can come later. Enjoy the process. Enjoy being you.

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