If you like this blog, you’ll like the web site more.
I’ve had the burning, churning idea to build WrittenRoad.com for oh, about three plus years now. It’s been on and off the front burner, but mostly off as I’ve spent my time on other things.
But now, we are not long in seeing the vision come to life. WrittenRoad.com: the Online Community for Travel Writers –but even that subtitle doesn’t do it justice. Basically, it will be a website where beginning and veteran travel writers can find the resources they need to develop and propel their travel writing career. Or hobby. Submission guidelines, travel markets, book reviews, events, interviews, editing help, and so much more.
I met with the designer this week and things are back on track. I’m about four hours (of work) away from from turning in the content he needs to get it up.
Stay tuned and when it’s up, I’ll let you know. No more scrolling through blog archives to find those links to various travel markets, at WrittenRoad.com, they’ll be at your fingertips and easy to find and use.