I had a blast Saturday night at a celebration of Eugene Authors and Writers party. I put on my “author event clothes” and went down the street to join other locals in honoring the Eugene Public Library. They held this event as they clothes their doors. A new enormous public library is opening up down the street.
But back to the event, there were over 30 authors, artists and musicians there not to mention tables from local wineries, restaurants and dessert shops. The library was packed with happy people milling around. I haven’t seen so many smiles since the Eugene Celebration earlier this summer.
The highlight for me? Meeting Jessica Maxwell and letting her know that we chose a chapter from Femme D’Adventure: Travel Tales from Inner Montana to Outer Mongolia to include in Sand In My Bra. She was thrilled and had a great story to go with why “Twelve Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” is her favorite essay in the book.
Jessica has a gift for networking and I was able to learn a few new tricks from her as she swept me from introduction to introduction. After the connections, I was eager to speak at one of the Willamette writers events, as well as drop in on Jessica’s writers group where she assists beginning writers for no charge.
Can we say, In my element!