Female writers pay attention, this market lead is just for you. The renowned travel publisher Travelers’ Tales is now accepting submissions for next year’s The Best Women’s Travel Writing 2010. The deadline is August 1, 2009 so if you have an unfinished piece waiting to be completed, you still have a couple of weeks to put together a submission.
What: Previously published essays (within the last year) are OK. TT is looking for the full range of experience: adventurous, mystical, funny, poignant, cuisine-related, cross-cultural, transformational—as well as solo travel and travel with friends, mates, and families. For an idea of what TT is looking for, check out previous editions of the book here and here.
How to submit: Please include on your essay all of your contact information, plus a 3- to 10-line bio about yourself. Multiple submissions OK. Email your submissions to submit[at]travelerstales[dot]com. Essays will not be returned; notification of acceptances only, close to publication date. Essays not selected will be considered for future TT books, unless author explicitly requests otherwise.
Check out the TT submission guidelines for more info.