As soon as I got to the salon last night, Moon Handbooks writer Carl Parkes came up to tell me that he's been reading Written Road every day for a month. Maybe two.

Carl has written six Moon books to Asia and is currently working on updating Thailand. He has also won two Lowell Thomas Awards. One in 1994 for the guide to SE Asia and another in 1996 for the Moon Thailand Handbook.

Though there could be others lurking, this is the first time a well established travel writer has told me that they are a regular on WR. I was thrilled. The first thing that I wanted to ask him was, which kind of posts do you like? Carl’s response was more travel industry news. That was great feedback for me. Those posts require more work, but that’s ok. I can balance it out with the others.

So now I raise the question to you.

What category of posts are your favorites?

I know that I am Sand heavy right now, but that’s because I have to be. It’s part of our book promo efforts. But what else? Let me know which ones you like the most so I can make sure to create a better balance.

As far as the minute to minute stuff I write about…the salon was great. There were seven of us, and we all read a little bit from our current works. I found a passage from “A Prude in Patpong” that was crowd appealing, not too revealing, and even led to the sales of all the books I brought. Nine! Carl returned to ask me out to lunch today and then I was off to catch up next door with the ladies. All in all, another great evening at the Monticello Inn.

I missed seeing some of the salon regulars, but had the chance to catch up with Brad Newsham when he stopped by the TT office earlier in the day. Being with all these friends in a town that is so familiar makes me feel like I’m home. For me, home might start to take on a different meaning. Instead of a place to hang your hat, I think it’s a comfort in place and people that I can fall back on. Big thanks to the Wild Writing Women for all their support and compliments. Nothing like having a bunch of stylish women to tell you how fab you look. I think I’ll keep the hair. And the dress.

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