For those beginning writers who are looking to get some work published on some worthy websites, and don’t care about not making money off them should check out these new websites:
Map Magazine:
Recently launched, at the moment this website is focused only on Madrid, but does have plans to cover a wider geographical area. Called a “mix of NY Times and Facebook” by EuroCheapo, and “the premier underground music, arts, and politics e-zine in Madrid for young expats” by MTV Spain’s guidebook, they are a cool, funky magazine for expats moving to Madrid or visiting. Always on the look-out for fresh writing, they are open to accepting contributions for their blog, study abroad, and reviews section. Probably the only decent online expat guide in Madrid, I’ve started writing for them as well so if you are in Madrid, or are planning to move there and want to contribute — check them out.
So Much World:
Helen Leggatt from So Much World got in touch with me a while ago, but only since their travel-writing eBook came out did I pay more attention to their website, and was pleasantly surprised. It is a developing online world travel-guide that has attracted a team of writers who have worked with the likes of Lonely Planet Guides and Rough Guide Books. They are on the look-out for travel-writers who can provide high-quality, up-to-date travel-content and stories; and they have an ad-revenue share policy. See application guidelines here.